Saturday, September 18, 2010

Day 7

Just want everyone to know that Azi finally decided to take a look at the blog. I feel so validated! She also dispensed some classic Iranian advice - and I quote: "I'm glad you're taking it easy because as we say in Farsi, if you go full throttle, you'll burn off your balls". Thank you Azi!

So, somewhat surprisingly, Day 7 turned out to be the toughest ride so far. Just 85 miles, but the combination of the heat, a lousy road surface and the vertical made things pretty interesting. We left Lake Havasu and jumped on the Interstate for 9 miles. Interstates are pretty interesting. On the one hand they're flat and smooth and we did that 9 miles at 30 mph. On the other hand you're being passed by huge trucks doing 75 mph. From the highway we took the famous Route 66. Amazingly, everyone wants to promote this road, but no one wants to maintain it - the surface really sucked. We stopped for lunch in Oatman, this weird little "ghost town" with burros walking the streets being fed carrots by tourists. From Oatman and lunch we headed straight uphill - over Sitgreaves Pass - and on to Kingman and the luxurious Holiday Inn Express.

Our four man team again stuck together and performed well, joined for much of the ride by Karl - who did his part in keeping the pace high. Unfortunately, Dee and Michael went off course and apparently ended up riding an extra 30 miles - so the stories at dinner should be good.

Rest, dinner at JB's (it's gotta be good - right?), sleep - then another 83 tomorrow!

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